So I made the mistake of calling my mom a little bit ago because I had a situation that I wanted her opinion on. I knew as soon as the phone started ringing that I made the mistake and hung up. But she called me back and I answered, even though I wanted to ignore it. I asked her the question and in the end it just turned into a little fight because of a couple of reasons and by the end of the call we were both frustrated with each other and just said goodbye. The fight wasn't entirely about the question either.
For one, I absolutely hate talking on the phone. I find it awkward and annoying and I really hate when someone calls me, even if it's either of my parents. If it's a number that I don't recognize, I don't answer it and I let it go to voicemail. And even then, unless it's really important, I don't return the call. I literally hate talking on the phone.
For two, talking gets me exhausted. I actually use a lot of energy when talking. Obviously in my life I do have to talk so I do it. But if I have to repeat myself for any reason, I instantly get irritated. And I had to repeat a long sentence to my mom and that's how our fighting got started, she could tell that I was mad. But I literally do. It takes a lot of work for me to talk period. That's why texting is usually the best form of communication with me.
After the phone call, I vented to my sister and then I decided to google why it takes me so much energy to talk because I was curious as to the answers. I was actually pretty surprised when I seen a few top links all point to social anxiety which I swear up and down that I really do have.
Then there was this one site that was talking about the 4 types of social energy. From the 4, the one that sounds most like me is Negative High Social Energy. The person might talk too fast and be unfocused. This could be because the person gets stressed out about the situation or just comes from another stressful situation, such as a hectic day at work.
I literally talk too fast most of the time. I don't think so myself, but sometimes I can hear it and I think I should slow down but then it's way too slow and takes even MORE energy for me to talk.
It's just so weird to me how much social anxiety or certain kind of energy levels affect life.