Today I was sitting and talking with a friend from work today and we were talking about him wanting to be an engineer. I then said that I just need to get into the NHL some how and that's what I want to. I said PR (Public Relations) between the media and players is what I'm actually really what I want to do but I'm not really good with the public speaking and the communications just yet. I don't have a lot of confidence.
"It will get there," he said.
I was quiet for a few minutes.
I mean, I don't really think he knew what impact of that simple sentence he said would have on me.
When it comes to confidence I literally have like zilch. I have quite a few things I can blame it on and do but I won't get that deep and point fingers. Lately, I've started something new to me and it helps with almost everything. Stress, anxiety, my sleep issues, and just helps my overall happiness and has a lasting effect. I also start to feel my confidence growing a little bit as I let some things go. Some people know what it is and those of you that I haven't told could probably figure it out. And I'm just going to point out that I don't really care what other people's opinions of it are.
But just the fact that somebody actually believed that I will get my confidence. Nobody has really offered that kind of support. Most people just shrug and brush it off like it's whatever. And it probably really is whatever to him, but he said the words that I have needed to hear for so long.
So thanks, bud. Even though you won't read this, hahahah.
In other words, things are going alright besides my stupid car. It keeps stalling out and is just too frustrating. The part that is needed is $140 and that's just a lot right this second. I don't have that spare money after rent and bills and whatnot until next Friday but that part is needed like literally right now. It's stressing me out just to drive.
This summer, I plan on moving as long as I have the money to. It's going to take $1500 to move but this new place is a little bit bigger, not by a huge amount, but bigger and better than where I am now. It actually has a washer and dryer in the apartment instead of having to use the laundry room and spend $3 just to do a load and dry. It's ridiculous. So I'm excited for that.
Well, I don't have much more to say. I really should be getting on cleaning my apartment and what not right now. Enough distractions!
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