Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A New Year.

So a new year is going to begin soon and I want to take a moment to thank God for the blessing to have made it this far. I have heard about many deaths and many tragedies that have happened in the past year and the many people who have not been able to make it to this new year.

Every year, I always make resolutions that I never end up keeping.
This year, I'm going to make goals. Obtainable goals that are not impossible to keep.

My goals include:
-Having a more positive outlook on life.
-Have a better relationship with God.
-Find healthier ways to take out stress and frustrations.
-Go back to school and stay in school to be on the road to the career I want, (Sports Management: Marketing and Public Relations. Focus, hockey. Haha!)
-Spend a lot more time with Kaiden doing fun things.
-Have one full time job instead of three part time jobs.
-Become more organized in all areas of my life.
-Get out of debt.

I'm sure I will end up coming up with more, but there are the more important ones to me.
What are some goals or resolutions have you all come up with if you're someone that does this every year?

I would like to hear!! Send me an email, kraazylovee@yahoo.com.

Hope everyone has a good time tonight whether you are at home with family, out with friends, or out with strangers! Be safe and PLEASE don't drink and drive! Have a great New Year's!!

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