Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The beginning of 2014

So it's 10:00 am, EST and I have been awake for about a half hour, but lazing around in my bed. Yesterday, I started feeling sick with a sinus head cold that just worse as the night went on. I had to take some nasal decongestant to get some relief.
My son didn't make it to midnight, but I did along with my brother, sister, and 13 year old cousin. We watched some TV and I ended up passing out before my parents got home. When I woke up, I felt so much worse and was having some nausea. I almost couldn't make it home, but so glad I did because I really wanted my bed! My throat was also starting to get sore like it was strep throat and hurt to swallow much. 

This morning, I feel kinda better. No nausea, my nose isn't so stuffed, and my throat doesn't hurt too much. I still feel like crap and want more sleep but that won't be happening.

Today is the Winter Classic, a MAJOR outdoor hockey game for fans of all teams and is set to be the record breaking game because it is hosted by the Red Wings and will be played at the Big House, University of Michigan's football stadium that seats 109,000!!
It is on at 1pm and I will be going back to my parents around then to watch. 

I hope the start of the new year finds the rest of you in a healthier state than I am! 

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