Thursday, November 27, 2014

November 27, 2014


Thanksgiving is a day that you think about what you are thankful for. Although, really every day you should think about what you are thankful for, but I guess you just announce it on social media more on Thanksgiving. That being said, here is a list of just some of the things and people I am thankful for:

  • MY SON!
  • God and my faith
  • My family- parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles
  • The best friends any one can ask for.
  • My cat
  • Some of the coolest people that I call my friends.
  • Veterns and Active Duty Military 
  • To be living in a free country
  • A full time job at a good pay
  • Financial stability
  • A roof over my head
  • A car
  • The best co-workers
  • A great boss
  • My cell phone
  • Having cable and internet
  • Food in my cupboards
  • Books
  • My computer
  • Electricity
  • Heat
  • Clothes on my back
  • Good health for both my son and I.
  • The various way to communicate with friends that live away from me
  • To have access to a higher education
  • To have had a great education in grade school
Some of these things may seem silly, but when you think about it...some of these things are so taken for granted that we don't really think about being thankful for them. Those living in other countries who are at a lower standard of living than we are do not get to have such luxuries as a job, shelter, food, education, electricity, heat, good health, etc.
I complain a bit (although not as much as I used to), because it's easy to forget to be thankful for what you have.

Think about what you are thankful for. Maybe you already have.
I hope each and everyone of you have a great Thanksgiving with family and friends!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I'm just going to through this out there because of how ridiculous this all is.

I have a friend who had a break up with her boyfriend of 3 years. It wasn't exactly the very cleanest break up, but it eventually quite soon turned out okay and she moved on from it. But now...the guy's "girlfriend" or whatever she thinks she is to him, has been harassing my friend non-stop on facebook first, then she made up a twitter to stalk and talk shit about her on there.

My friend has NOT tried to contact her ex in any way, shape, or form. She has not once tried to get back with him or start shit with him. She has left him and his family alone since the break up.

But this girl. She keeps trying to say that my friend gets everything handed to her, she has mommy and daddy's money, try working and providing for herself on her own, she's crazy....all lies about my friend.

For one, I fucking WORK with my friend. She's a hard ass worker and she has a full time job with better pay than that girl. So she doesn't live on her own....who the fuck cares but you little girl?! It doesn't mean she's always going to live on her own. She bought her own car with her own money, she buys herself things with HER money, not her parents. She doesn't get everything handed to her and she's not a spoiled bitch. She's most definitely not the crazy one in this situation. You are, because you can't leave her alone.

I don't understand why some girls out there just think that they are so bad ass. You are so quick to fight someone that doesn't even have anything to do with your life. You don't care about being cute or classy? You're not worried about going to jail? Wow. What a winner. You're just crazy.

Grow up. Get a life. Leave my friend alone and get on with your life. You're not cool. You make yourself look extra pathetic and you're just annoying. Do you seriously have nothing better to do than to stalk someone's social pages and start crap with them and their friend?

My friend is done and moved on from that guy that you think she still wants.
Pssttt. Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Good luck to you with that one.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 22, 2014

If you have known me for a few years...maybe even since middle school, you'd know that I wasn't particularly happy with my life. It wasn't that it was bad or anything. My parents were (and still are) married, there was a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my back, everything I needed and then some. But it was those teenage years where you just aren't satisfied or you wanted something else.

I wasn't exactly popular in school, in any of the schools I had been to. I was more so the outcast that dressed in dark clothing and was just plain weird. Hey, I admit it. Then I think back and more than half of my best friends I had met in middle school. They were weird, too. ;)

All through high school and the early part of my adult life...all I did was want, want, want. I wanted what I couldn't have. I was jealous of those that had what I wanted.
Like relationships. I never had a serious relationship, not even with the father of my son. That was more a summer fling that ended up with a child. The most amazing child I could ask for, by the way. None of my relationships to date have lasted more than 2 months. I never had a deep connection with any of them.
Now, I have some friends that are married, engaged, or in long term relationships and for a while I had been jealous while being happy for them. I wanted (and still do want) a relationship with my soul mate. I think about it each and every day.

As of contentment has grown. Sure, there are still things I want that I don't have now...but it's like for once I'm not constantly chasing after something else, the next thing.
I have a full time job that are meeting the bills and giving me spending money.
My son is happy and healthy.

I'm literally in such a good mood right now.

My life doesn't suck like I thought some years ago. ;)

Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014

Good morning! I have the day off today and although I wish I could still be sleeping right now, my son didn't have a snow day like I was hoping so I did actually have to get up and get him ready and off to school. Now that I had done that, I don't really want to try falling back asleep because I probably coun't even if I tried.

So I was pleasantly surprised at the fact that some people are actually clicking on the ads that are found on my blog. I get a few cents per click (the amounts depend on the ad) and it's added up so far so fast that I can actually get a payment soon. I know ads are annoying, but it's helping me. So, thank you to whoever clicked on them!

Again, not much has happened since my last post. Pretty much just work, sleep, and relaxation.
My hatred for winter and snow in general has just increased much in the past week.

Since I don't really have much to say, I thought maybe I would share some pictures that I can completely relate to. These are pictures of quotes that I've seen on pinterest or facebook that I saved on my computer because I can completely relate to them somehow. It's another way you can see into what kind of person I am and whatnot.

 Like I said, just a small insight on how I feel about things. I thought I had alot more than I actually did, but maybe again in another post.

Well, this is all for now. I need to gather motivation to do things that really and absolutely have to get done. Have a good day, everyone!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

November 15, 2014

So I really fail at updating everyday.
It's hard to do on the nights that I close at work because then I get home late and all I want to do then is lay in bed. I could post during the day but I get lazy.
So what happened since last post?

My best friend moved across the country. :(

She's doing well though. :) She is enjoying having escaped the snow that came the day after her departure and being in 70+ degree weather. I'm currently trying to plan a vacation to visit her sometime early next year. I already miss her so much.

Besides that, not much has happened.

I have enjoyed a day off where the only time I left my apartment was to go to the store and get candy and pop I was really craving.
Not the best thing for when I want to lose weight.
But hey, I have my weak moments.
I might possibly be going to the gym with my cousin tonight after Kaiden is off to bed. Because my sister lets me have a slight life and babysits for me without complaining. I appreciate her so much for it. <3

So lately, I have had a couple of friends who have recently gone through and are still going through a hurtful time caused by someone they were in a long time relationship with.
Why do some boys cheat on such wonderful ladies?! I don't understand. Why hurt them? If you didn't want to be with them, be straight up honest and break it off cleanly and with closure. So lie to their face, don't beat around the bush, don't treat them any less than they deserve. Especially when they give their all to you. I will never understand the logic of it.

I need to do more praying. I need to do more sincere and deep thought, deep talk praying with God. I need to let go of my past in certain parts, I need to change certain things in my life...and I know I need to change other areas to be closer to Him that I'm just not ready to give up yet. It's an inner battle with me, and I need to actually slow down and not shoot just a quick prayer when I see someone ask for prayers for any person or when I want something to go my way or happen for me.
I need to actually make the time and stop pushing it off because I'm lazy. That's no excuse.

I don't know where my life is headed. It's in a spot where I'm just content. It's okay for right now, but I don't want to be just content forever. I just haven't found that thing that will make me take it to the next level. It's alright for now. I don't have much complaints...none that are necessary.

Well, until next time. Hopefully tomorrow on my day off guarantees though. My sister and I have a Red Wings game to go to. <3

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014

So I completely failed at my goal in my last post.
It's now 6 days past my birthday and I hadn't posted once.
So this one may or may not be a long-ish post.
I feel like I have a lot to talk about, but I'm just kind of in that mood where I just don't want to put effort into anything. I don't even know! Haha.

One of my best friends is moving in just THREE days! Well, however you want to count days...she's leaving Wednesday morning. I'll be at work putting away truck, but nonetheless be thinking about her. She's taught me so much with work and actually life as well. She's been there since I was pregnant, and even though we had a few times where we stopped being friends...we are better now than we have ever been. I didn't cry on her last day of work, but I knew I would cry closer to her leaving. I actually am right now. For the past 6 years, she has always been right there. I know, with her moving, she will still be there...but not physically and because of the time difference, maybe not right when I need her advice in the moment or whatnot. She has seen me at my best and seen me at my worst. She has been such a staple in my life...a constant for the past couple of years. After Tuesday, we aren't going to be able to make random lunch plans or just hang out before work. It's going to be so different.
BUT. As much as I will terribly miss her...I am so incredibly happy for her and her wonderful husband!! It's definitely a new step in her life and I am so glad that she has a wonderful and amazing husband to be with her every single step of the way. I am so excited to see what lies ahead for her. :)
I love you, Stephanie! <3

Now that I have dried my tears and my eyes have stopped burning...there's been a lot more on my mind.
To me, the word "friend" actually shouldn't be tossed around so easily. If you call someone a friend, then expect them to act like one. If you didn't want them to act like a friend to you, don't call them one. I mean, it's as simple as that. Don't be all friendly one day, but then talking behind their back or acting like a complete 180 the next day. Those are games that really nobody should have time for.

I want a vacation.
I want to go lay on the beach.
I want to be in warm weather!
If I could, I really would live near an ocean. Live on the Florida or South Carolina coast. Most preferably. I want to travel a lot.
I just have this unsatisfying need to move. I don't like staying in one place for so long.
I'm honestly surprised that I have managed to stay with this apartment for 4 years now. I would actually love to move right now, since my lease will up soon...but financially I won't be able to make that work at the moment. So I'm stuck with signing another lease for another year. Maybe in June, things will be different and I will be able to do a buy out from the lease. We will see!

Tomorrow, I'm going to start getting back into the gym. I'm getting settled in at work and being a manager. I can get into the gym when I have the days off or close. I'm not loving my body in the least bit, but the only person that can change that is me.

Well, I felt like I would have more to say...but like I said earlier...not really in the mood. So this is it until tomorrow.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2, 2014

Tomorrow is my birthday.
I will be 24.
When I first think about my 23rd year, I didn't really think much happened.
But then I think again.
And I was mistaken.
It's not what other people would be considered much, but for me, it definitely was.

I started out my 23rd year- November 3, 2013- with just two jobs. My first was working for my dad. The second was working for J&H Family Stores. I was still living where I live now. I missed my sister who was in Florida. On November 25, I started a third job. I never imagined that would really happen or really work out. It was at Jimmy John's and it lasted 8 months. By July, I had slowly quit all three jobs. I got a new job at Rally House that was what I thought I would always love...working with sports apparel and getting to wear jeans or shorts to work. I didn't really love it. It was not busy enough and I found myself so bored. In May, however, one of my best friends got me a job at her work. Fazoli's. And honestly, I love it. I am now an associate manager. I am satisfied right now with where I'm at. I'm just about completely caught up financially. My sister who was in Florida now currently lives with me. My son had started kindergarten during my 23rd year as well.

Going to into my 24th year, I'm sick. I spent all weekend being sick and it sucks. But could most definitely be worse. I have so many blessings that I don't always thank God for. Starting today, I guess, I will be trying my very best to post every single day. I want to be able to look back at my year, right before I turn 25 and see how far I have come.

I have a good feeling about this coming year.
I hope that I am right.

Although, one sad thing happens in the first two weeks of being of my best friends moves to Arizona! :( As much as I will miss her...I am so excited for her to start a new chapter in her life, I'm so excited for her to be so happy. :)