Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014

So I completely failed at my goal in my last post.
It's now 6 days past my birthday and I hadn't posted once.
So this one may or may not be a long-ish post.
I feel like I have a lot to talk about, but I'm just kind of in that mood where I just don't want to put effort into anything. I don't even know! Haha.

One of my best friends is moving in just THREE days! Well, however you want to count days...she's leaving Wednesday morning. I'll be at work putting away truck, but nonetheless be thinking about her. She's taught me so much with work and actually life as well. She's been there since I was pregnant, and even though we had a few times where we stopped being friends...we are better now than we have ever been. I didn't cry on her last day of work, but I knew I would cry closer to her leaving. I actually am right now. For the past 6 years, she has always been right there. I know, with her moving, she will still be there...but not physically and because of the time difference, maybe not right when I need her advice in the moment or whatnot. She has seen me at my best and seen me at my worst. She has been such a staple in my life...a constant for the past couple of years. After Tuesday, we aren't going to be able to make random lunch plans or just hang out before work. It's going to be so different.
BUT. As much as I will terribly miss her...I am so incredibly happy for her and her wonderful husband!! It's definitely a new step in her life and I am so glad that she has a wonderful and amazing husband to be with her every single step of the way. I am so excited to see what lies ahead for her. :)
I love you, Stephanie! <3

Now that I have dried my tears and my eyes have stopped burning...there's been a lot more on my mind.
To me, the word "friend" actually shouldn't be tossed around so easily. If you call someone a friend, then expect them to act like one. If you didn't want them to act like a friend to you, don't call them one. I mean, it's as simple as that. Don't be all friendly one day, but then talking behind their back or acting like a complete 180 the next day. Those are games that really nobody should have time for.

I want a vacation.
I want to go lay on the beach.
I want to be in warm weather!
If I could, I really would live near an ocean. Live on the Florida or South Carolina coast. Most preferably. I want to travel a lot.
I just have this unsatisfying need to move. I don't like staying in one place for so long.
I'm honestly surprised that I have managed to stay with this apartment for 4 years now. I would actually love to move right now, since my lease will up soon...but financially I won't be able to make that work at the moment. So I'm stuck with signing another lease for another year. Maybe in June, things will be different and I will be able to do a buy out from the lease. We will see!

Tomorrow, I'm going to start getting back into the gym. I'm getting settled in at work and being a manager. I can get into the gym when I have the days off or close. I'm not loving my body in the least bit, but the only person that can change that is me.

Well, I felt like I would have more to say...but like I said earlier...not really in the mood. So this is it until tomorrow.


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