Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16, 2015

So only a few people know (and if I didn't tell you yet, I'm sorry!) but I have decided to go back to J&H. It won't be at the station I used to work at, it's at a location that I feel more comfortable to be myself. Yes, I'll be working full time at Fazoli's as an Associate Manager still, but will be taking on being an Associate part time at the Mobil station.

Why am I doing this, you may or may not be asking? Because I want the extra money. I need to be prepared for when my sister moves out and I have some goals to achieve. Plus I'm tired of being broke like every other paycheck. I'm at least not living paycheck to paycheck anymore since just having Fazoli's...but this will help out to ensure that I don't go back to that once my sister gets her own place with one of her best friends.

I'm nervous but excited to start. I'm not sure when that will be yet. I do know that it's next week. He has yet to make the schedule but I'm hoping that it's done by the time I go up to see him and what not.
I won't be making the same as when I left but decently close that it doesn't bother me. Even though I will be coming back as a re-hire and newer at that location than everyone there...I have 3 years put into this company and that puts me as fitting in pretty well. I will not need any training...if anything just a couple of shifts to learn where things are and how they do things. I have worked at that location a few times in the past and even had a couple of regular shifts on the schedule when I first started. I know the manager pretty well and have known him since I started at the company. I know the company rules and standards, I know the computer, I know the basic procedures.

I am actually excited about this. Haha.

Wish me luck with this adventure of two jobs that I just can't seem to stay away from. Once you do it for a few years, I guess it just kind of because second nature. All the free time I've had with just one full time job has been nice, but I usually just find myself bored and laying in bed watching TV or something. Time to earn some money during that time off from Fazoli's.

Onto the next. ;)

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