I'm not as tired as I thought I would be today after such rough of a night of sleep.
Today wasn't exactly a great day either.
My prayers have been and will continue to be with my pastor and his family through a hard time right now. Please do not underestimate the power of my church family. We stick together and we will be with him through this whole ordeal and celebrate with him when it is over!
The gym today felt pretty good. I need to get back on track with what I was doing, eating better, working out more.
I was going to go the bible study tonight for the first time, but that got cancelled.
I'm trying to stay positively on track. I need to. For Kaiden and myself.
One of the good things today is that NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs have started! I am currently switching between two games, neither of them the Red Wings, but that's really okay. I love hockey and these two games are actually very exciting! Lots of fighting, hard playing, goals. Good hockey!
I just can't wait until Friday when the Wings start! :)
I hope I get good enough sleep tonight. I'm really nervous about that nightmare. It just felt so real, that I don't know if it was just in my sleep. I just have to trust that God is looking over my son and I at night. Although, I think I will sleep with the TV on...maybe the Christmas lights.
I am soooo ready for the warm weather! I hate being cold and thought it was over...but Michigan had a surprise for us yesterday and decided give another day of snow. I refused to go along with it, walking out of my house in my capri workout pants and just my workshirt. No coat. I absolutely refused.
Well, by the end of the day, I had a coat and sweatpants on. =\
Next week is supposed to be in the 60s.
Day #2 with no pop!
Sorry that this post is absolutely all over the place. That's how my mind works sometimes. I'm completely unfocused today.
Until tomorrow. <3
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