Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014 #2

It's super frustrating to have to all the housework yourself, including the messes of your child while your child just sits around and keeps making a mess.
So I'm trying to implement some chores for him. Some very simple, age appropriate chores.
Trying to get him to stay focused on the task at hand, completely the chore, and not lolli-gagging around, is also super frustrating. If I have to follow him around every single second to make sure it's getting done, I may as well do the chore myself. I try to give him a little freedom without me having to look for his shoulder, but when I go to check up on him, he's just playing with whatever is nearby.

Do I have to throw all his toys away so that there is no mess ever? So that he doesn't have anything to play with when he's supposed to be doing chores.

I'm at my wit's end with this crap. I'm TIRED. I work three jobs, then come home after being exhausted, just to stare at my house of a mess.

Not to mention that I have friends and family who are always judging me on it. Not that they would admit to me that they do, but I know they do. They can walk in my shoes for a week, then tell me that they aren't tired everyday.

Yes, I can be a slob. But I sure as hell ain't how I used to be. That's for damn sure.

It feels like too many people expect too much out of me.
Can't they see that I'm trying to do the best I can with what I'm given?
I don't make a lot of money...I make just barely enough to get by with bills and necessity.
I'm still in debt.
There are a couple of bills that are going unpaid right now until I get more money.

I love working at Jimmy John's and people I work with there.
I don't like working at a gas station where the higher-ups don't give a single damn about how hard you work for them...they still look you over when you want to desperately to move up in the company. They lie to you. I don't want to work for anybody that has to lie to me. I love most of my coworkers at the gas station.
Working for my dad is the highest pay, but the lower paychecks. I get bored, there is not always guaranteed work to do, and what work there is, I usually don't like it to begin with. It's not fun, but I stay to help my dad.
I don't want to work for him anymore, though. I don't have just the father-daughter bond with it's boss-employee with some father-daughter.
I think family members are usually best not working with each other.


It's a frustrating night and it hasn't even been a real sucky day. I hope the rest of you are doing better than I am!

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