Saturday, March 28, 2015

March 28, 2015

So I know that it's been 3 weeks since my last post, and for those who actually check on a regular basis (if there are any), I apologize. I haven't had much to say until now.

I'm a people observer. I feel like I have a higher tendency to pay extra attention to my surroundings and people and everything that goes on. This isn't all of the time, but when it is time, I notice alot and I have a lot to say but never actually do.

So here goes a rant. Ready?

First thing I want to bitch about is opinions.
I don't understand why some people just get so damn bent out of shape when someone has a differing opinion than theirs. Like for real? You can have your opinion, but if others disagree with you, they are wrong and stupid and just needs to shut up? Nah. That's not how it goes.
Why beat down on others if they not only have an opinion that differs, but also a belief that differs. Why can't people just accept the damn differences and move on? You don't have to be best friends with them but at least have some mother fucking respect for the other just as you would like to have the same respect back. It's really, very truthfully honest and serious...NOT THAT HARD!
People get hurt when their opinion is knocked down and beaten and called pretty much nothing. And then those same people get told to get over it, suck it up, or that they have paper thin skin and shouldn't take things so seriously.
The people that say those hurtful words need to learn to get over their damn selves and out of their own asses.
Newsflash: Not everyone has to agree with you.
This world ain't about just YOU and YOUR beliefs and opinions.
It's about EVERYONE and THEIR beliefs and opinions along with you.

This especially pisses me off when it comes to religion.
I consider myself a Christian. I am not able to go to church on the regular basis due to work, and I'm not so hardcore or strict in the religion aspect.
HOWEVER, I believe whole heartedly that God is not dead. I believe He sent His only son to die on the cross for our sins. I believe that He forgives for EVERYTHING. I believe that the only way to Heaven is through him. I believe that He made everything. I believe that He loves me.  I believe that He has a plan for everybody and that He made everything happen for a reason.

Those are MY beliefs.
You can not believe in God and that's YOUR choice and YOUR opinion.
If I talk about my belief in God to you in a casual conversation and telling you just what I believe and you get offended because you don't believe and then you think I'm pushing my religion on you so I shouldn't talk about it. It offends you so I can't talk about MY beliefs.
But then you talk about your beliefs against God and everything He stands for and that offends me but you don't have to not talk about it.

So it's not okay that I talk about my beliefs because they offend you but it's okay for you to talk about your beliefs even though they offend me?

You say you have a right to talk about whatever you want.
Last I knew, I had the same right.

Obviously, this "you" that I have been referring to is not specifically you the reader. Just trying to make my point and not actually accusing anyone of doing this specifically to me but I have seen and heard of it being done and it absolutely disgusts me.

Honestly, I don't care what your beliefs are. I mean, I would obviously love if you believed in God, but I can't make any decisions, form any opinions, or make your beliefs for you. They are your choices. Not all of my closest friends are Christians. But I still love each and every one of them, despite that. Yeah, I hope that one day they get saved, but all I can do for them is talk about my experiences at the appropriate time and pray for them. Ultimately it is between them and God and who am I to judge them for what they do or do not believe?

I wish others could look at it from that viewpoint.
Just respect others and their different opinions and beliefs.

Now for the second part of my rant. It's about hockey so honestly if you don't care, don't read. Whatever, lol.

I haven't been to a hockey game in a few months until today and it was such a great game.
However, one of my BIGGEST pet peeves never fails to happen. The most annoying thing to me at a hockey game is when people around me are very clearly and obviously not pay attention to the game by holding conversations that have absolutely nothing to do with the game or they are on their phones, looking bored.
If you wanted to talk about something else or sit on facebook, coulda saved yourself about $80 at the least and stayed home.

If you don't want to stand up and cheer when the team that you are supporting gets a goal, fine. But don't sit there and bitch about the people cheering around you. It's a fucking hockey game. Yeah. People are going to fucking cheer!

Unnecessary yelling. This kid today annoyed the fuck out of me by this same loud pitch constant screaming about nothing. I had to plug my ear to tune him out. Cheer when something good actually happens or that you're excited, I guess. But change the tone somewhat.

Banging on the glass. The players don't care that you are there. Literally. They are too busy making more money in one night than you will in a month. They are trained to focus only on their game and not you banging on the glass to get their attention. You make yourself look like an idiot.

Drunk girls. Please control yourself. You don't need to be flailing your arms all over like a drunken idiot and spilling your beer on those around you because you are stumbling around. I promise you, you don't look cute, hunny.

Well that's really all I'm going to say tonight.
I can go on and on but I'm kinda tired and my son is getting restless.
So, I hope everyone has a good night. :)

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